2018 International Congress » Technology
Date: Sunday, October 7, 2018
Time: 1:45pm-3:15pm
Location: Hall 3FG
Meeting: 2018 International Congress
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
A study on pre-adoption of a self-management application by Parkinson’s disease patients
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Accelerometer-based measures and analyses of nonmotor symptoms of patients with Parkinson’s Disease
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
An automated algorithm for detection and quantification of tremor from pen-on-paper Archimedes spirals
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Bradykinesia assessment using evolutionary algorithms in Parkinson’s disease: Clinical validation
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Can a novel digital pen system assist clinicians in the differential diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease?
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Costs and outcomes for Parkinson’s disease patients who have their management adjusted by Personal KinetiGraph (PKG)
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Developing a Self-Administered Instrumented Motor Exam for Home-based Parkinson’s Disease Assessment Using Wearable Sensors
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Evaluating the clinical utility of the Parkinson’s KinetiGraph (PKG™) in the remote management of Parkinson’s disease
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Evaluation of the Clinical Efficacy of Motivational System Training in Parkinson’s disease
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Feasibility of a multi-sensor data fusion method for assessment of Parkinson’s disease motor symptoms
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Free-living gait in REM sleep behaviour disorder: Measures of prodromal Parkinson’s disease?
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Identification of L-DOPA “on/off” states using speech-based analysis in Parkinson’s disease subjects
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Impact of a Parkinson’s Disease-Specific Order Set on Inpatient Medication Administration
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Improving clinical data collection at patients’ home in Parkinson’s disease: The Sleep Fit app
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Instrumental assessment of upper extremity bradykinesia in UPDRS testing based on depth video data
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Instrumented gait analysis identifies potential predictors for Parkinson’s disease converters
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Internet of Things for Empowerment and Improved Treatment of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Motivators, Barriers and Clinical Correlates of Physical Activity in Parkinson Disease
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
NMSQ Application: A New Way to Access Non-Motor Symptoms in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Objective assessment of Parkinson’s disease motor symptoms during leg agility test using motion sensors
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Objective monitoring of drug response in early PD patients using remote, at-home typing data through machine learning analysis
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Personal KinetiGraph™ Movement Recording System: An Assessment of Utility in a Movement Disorder Clinic
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Pilot economic evaluation of Personal KinetiGraph (PKG) for management of Parkinson’s disease in Australia
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Quantitative Assessment of Appendicular Bradykinesia in Parkinson’s Disease using Wearable Sensors
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Safety and efficacy of high definition tDCS for proprioception and balance in Parkinson’s disease: A pilot randomised trial
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Telepsychiatry for Patients with Parkinson’s disease
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Temporal Gait Parameters in Parkinson’s Disease: A Study Using PDlogger, A Quantitative Gait Measuring Device
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
The “Second-Night” Effect: A Comparison of Sleep Behavior between the Sleep Laboratory and In-Home Settings
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
The Use of eConsult in a Movement Disorders Clinic
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
The use of smartphone task derived features to predict clinical scores in Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
The Use of Technology-Enabled Care (TEC) in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: An Italian Survey
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Usefulness of gait-aid system using smart glasses for freezing gait of atypical parkinsonian syndromes
- 1:45pm-3:15pm
Visual cueing using laser-shoes reduces freezing of gait in Parkinson patients at home