20th International Congress » Surgical therapy: Parkinson's disease
Date: Monday, June 20, 2016
Time: 12:30pm-2:00pm
Location: Exhibit Hall located in Hall B, Level 2
Session Type: Poster Session
Meeting: 20th International Congress
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
“Two odd targets” strategy in deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease with unilateral dystonia
S. Sekimoto, G. Oyama, T. Jo, A. Nakajima, Y. Shimo, M. Nakajima, A. Umemura, M. Ito, H. Arai, N. Hattori (Bunkyo-ku, Japan)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
A case of thalamic malignant glioma formation in a patient with STN-DBS for Parkinson’s disease
A. Tomskiy, A. Gamaleya, N. Gubareva, Y. Latyshev, G. Kobyakov, L. Shishkina, I. Pronin (Moscow, Russia)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
A cognitive monitoring program for individuals with Parkinson’s disease submitted to deep brain stimulation
L. Fontão, R. Barreto, L. Ruano, A. Sousa, A.I. Martins, A. Costa, A. Aires, C. Sousa, J. Lima, J. Pais, M.J. Rosas, R. Vaz, V.T. Cruz (Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
A dopamine-dependent activity of the STN in the control of balance in Parkinson’s disease
G. Arnulfo, N.G. Pozzi, C. Palmisano, A. Canessa, J. Brumberg, C.A. Frigo, G. Pezzoli, F. Steigerwald, J. Volkmann, I.U. Isaias (Würzburg, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
A multi-site survey of Parkinson’s disease deep brain stimulation center best practice: moving toward a standard of care for DBS
A.A. Butala, K.A. Mills, P. Schmidt, M.S. Okun, Z. Mari (Baltimore, MD, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
A pilot study of horizontal current steering with chronically implanted segmented electrodes for STN-DBS in Parkinson’s disease
F. Steigerwald, L. Mueller, S. Johannes, C. Matthies, J. Volkmann (Würzburg, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
A prospective study of patients’ expectations in subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease
N.R. Mundil, H.Y. Ling, H. Hasegawa, M. Samuel, K. Ashkan (London, United Kingdom)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Accuracy of intraoperative CT during DBS procedures: Comparison with postoperative MRI
L. Verhagen Metman, P. van den Munckhof, R. Bakay, G. Stebbins, M. Bot (Chicago, IL, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Airway protective mechanisms and deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease
M.S. Troche, A.E. Brandimore, K.W. Hegland, P.W. Davenport, K.F. Foote, M.S. Okun (New York, NY, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
AntiParkinsonian medication adjustments following deep brain stimulation of subthalamic nucleus in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease
A. Gamaleya, E. Bril, A. Tomskiy, A. Poddubskaya, N. Gubareva, N. Fedorova, V. Shabalov (Moscow, Russia)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Assessment of freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease patients treated with STN-DBS
K. Peterova, E. Ruzicka, R. Jech, J. Rusz, E. Plananská, L. Brabcová, H. Brozová (Prague, Czech Republic)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Bilateral subthalamic nucleus deep-brain stimulation (STN-DBS) in the management of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease: Results of our first 20 cases
E.M. Rezk, A.A.E. Shakal, S.M. Tourky (Tanta-Gharbeya, Egypt)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Can a leopard changes its spots? How impulse control disorder affects subthalamic stimulation paradigm
N.G. Pozzi, B. Minafra, M. Picascia, R. Zangaglia, D. Servello, C. Pacchetti (Pavia, Italy)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Can intraoperative clinical testing really predict the effects of deep brain stimulation in the subthalamic nucleus?
J. Blume, J. Schlaier, F. Zeman, E. Rothenfußer, A. Brawanski, U. Bogdahn, M. Lange (Regensburg, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Can stimulation of deep brain tissue improve the expression of the mouth in Parkinson’s disease patients?
M.V. Alvarez, P.M. Grogan (San Antonio, TX, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Changes in mood and behavior following DBS – Measurement by self-reported questionaires
I. Galazky, S. Hubich, T. Zähle, J. Voges (Magdeburg, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Chronic directional subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease – A pilot study
P. Reker, T.A. Dembek, A. Gierich, J. Wirths, H.S. Dafsari, J. Roediger, M.T. Barbe, L. Timmermann, V. Visser-Vandewalle (Cologne, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Clinical characteristics of Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor patients undergoing deep brain stimulation surgery: Five-year data from Columbia University Medical Center (2009 – 2014)
M. Kestenbaum, D. Robakis, B. Ford, R.N. Alcalay, E.D. Louis (Tel Aviv, Israel)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Clinical outcome of subthalamic deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease – The Helsinki experience
M. Koivu, A. Huotarinen, F. Scheperjans, R. Kivisaari, E. Pekkonen (Helsinki, Finland)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Cognitive change following deep brain stimulation in patients with movement disorders
J. Khan, Z. Quamhawi, Y.F. Tai, P.G. Bain, D. Nandi, S. Gunning, N. Pavese (London, United Kingdom)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Cognitive outcome in the patients with Parkinson’s disease one year after subthalamic implants in Taiwan
Y.F. Chen, C.C. Chang, W.F. Chen, F.Y. Shih, M.Y. Lan, T.K. Lin, Y.F. Chen, Y.Y. Chang (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Comparing the characteristics of patients with Parkinson’s disease speech with and without deep brain stimulation
M.R. Olchik, A.L. Bressanelli, M. Presotto, A.F.S. Schuh, C.R.M. Rieder (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Comparison of clinically derived and model based programming parameters of subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson’s disease
R. Reese, M.M. Reich, R. Nilunsing, W. Pollet, J. Volkmann (Würzburg, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Comparison of effect of variable deep brain stimulation (DBS) frequencies on gait and balance in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients with either bilateral GPi or STN stimulators employing wearable wireless sensors
A. Deep, A. Lieberman, R. Dhall, T. Lockhart, C. Frames, S. Shafer, N. Tateuchi, E. Simpson, M. McCauley, N. Krishnamurthi (Phoenix, AZ, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Comparison of four DBS lead designs under voltage and current operating modes based on patient specific simulations
F. Alonso, N. Göransson, P. Zsgimond, K. Wårdell (Linköping, Sweden)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Constant-current stimulation in Parkinson’s disease patients
P. Amami, M. Mascia, L. Romito, A. Albanese (Rozzano, Italy)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Cortical and subcortical contribution in the production of reaching movements in Parkinson’s disease
A. Canessa, N.G. Pozzi, G. Arnulfo, J. Brumberg, F. Steigerwald, M.F. Ghilardi, J. Volkmann, I.U. Isaias (Wuerzburg, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
DBS of the STN in 44 patients with Parkinson’s disease – Radiological and clinical outcome
R.C. Nickl, P. Fricke, S. Johannes, R.I. Ernestus, F. Steigerwald, M.M. Reich, V. Sturm, J. Volkmann, C. Matthies (Würzburg, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
DBS programming requirements and longevity
M. Tagliati, E. Karst (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
DBS related on-state freezing of gait – A case series
Y.C. Tai, E. Everingham, D. Tsui, V. Fung, N. Mahant (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
DBS targeting: Validation of 3T MR image guided targeting using post-mortem 17T MR microscopy
J.D. Hilliard, T. Morishita, C.H. Lee, S.J. Blackband, M.S. Okun, K.D. Foote (Gainesville, FL, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Deep brain stimulation effect on the quality of life of individuals with Parkinson’s disease
A. Ayres, M. Ghisi, A.M. Freiry, B.S.F. Oliveira, A.F.S. Schuch, C.R.M. Rieder, M.R. Olchik (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Deep brain stimulation in a Parkinsonian patient with sever psychiatric complication
T. Ichikawa, Y. Hashimoto, T. Obuchi, K. Kobayashi, H. Oshima (Ageo, Japan)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Deep brain stimulation in early stage Parkinson’s disease: Is it disease modifying?
M.L. Hacker, M. Turchan, J. Tonascia, P.E. Konrad, T.L. Davis, J.S. Neimat, F.T. Phibbs, A.L. Sternberg, D.M. Shade, L.T. Drye, D. Charles (Nashville, TN, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Difference between physiologically defined subthalamic nucleus target and final lead placement: Influence in clinical outcome
A. Medina, D. Cerquetti, M. Merello (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Distribution of oscillatory activities in MRI confirmed subthalamic nucleus subregions
M. Beudel, A. Oswal, A. Jha, T. Foltynie, L. Zrinzo, M. Hariz, P. Limousin, S. Derrey, H. Akram, L. Vladimir, P. Brown (Groningen, Netherlands)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Does body mass index influence outcome of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s patients?
H. Abboud, G. Genc, D. Reyes, N.R. Thompson, R. Cerejo, K. Wilson, A. Ahmed, M. Gostkowski, A. Machado, H.H. Fernandez (Cleveland, OH, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Effect of bilateral subthalamic nuclei deep brain stimulation on impulse control disorders in PD
R. Borgohain, P.K. Pesala, R.K. Mridula, A.K. Puligopu, V.V.P. Kagita, S.A. Jabeen, M.A. Kanikannan (Hyderabad, India)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Effect of frequency modulation on freezing of gait in PD patients after bilateral STN DBS
R.M. Kandadai, V.V.P. Kagita, S.A. Jabeen, A.K. Puligopu, M.A. Kanikannan, R. Borgohain (Hyderabad, India)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Effect of STN-DBS on impulse control disorder and affective behavioral complications of Parkinson’s disease: A 1-year longitudinal study
S.M. Omarova, N.V. Fedorova, E.V. Bril, A.A. Tomskiy, A.A. Gamaleya (Moscow, Russia)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Effect of unilateral subthalamic deep brain stimulation in highly asymmetric Parkinson’s disease: 7- year follow-up
G. Ehm, H.J. Kim, B.S. Jeon, D.G. Kim, S.H. Paek (Goyang, Korea)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Effectiveness and micro-electrodes findings of deep brain stimulation of the STN via a parietal approach in post-infectious previously implanted Parkinson´s patients
W.O. Contreras Lopez, L. Batista, A. Azevedo, M.J. Teixeira, E.T. Fonoff (São Paulo, Brazil)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Effects of subthalamic deep brain stimulation in motor and nonmotor function in Parkinson’s disease patients with parkin mutation
L.M. Oliveira, R.G. Cury, H.F. Chien, J.G. Santos, M.G. Ghilardi, R.B. Machado, E.T. Fonoff, B.R. Egberto (São Paulo, Brazil)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Efficacy of the bilateral subthalamic stimulation in Parkinson’s disease, results from the Neuromodulation Centre in Budapest
A. Kelemen, L. Eröss, D. Albert, I. Rózsa, E. Csibri, L. Entz, D. Fabó, L. Halász, G. Rudas, P. Barsi, P. Golopencza, G. Tamás (Budapest, Hungary)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Efficiency of intraoperative microelectrode recording in patients with deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus. Three-year comparative research
N. Gubareva, E. Bril, A. Tomskiy, N. Fedorova, S. Asriyants (Moscow, Russia)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Electric stimulation of the nucleus subthalamicus is able to modulate prepulse inhibition. A pilot study in Parkinson´s disease
J. Schuster, I. Galazky, M. Kühne, S. Specht, S. Nullmeier, H.J. Heinze, A. Kupsch, T. Zaehle, J. Voges, P. Panther (Magdeburg, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Electrophysiological activity of anatomically identified STN subterritories in Parkinson’s disease
N.G. Pozzi, G. Arnulfo, F. Steigerwald, A. Canessa, R. Nickl, C. Matthies, J. Volkmann, I.U. Isaias (Wuerzburg, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Employing intraoperative microelectrode recordings during "asleep" deep brain stimulation surgery of the globus pallidus internus in Parkinson’s disease
J.E. Quintero, N.S. Timoney, J.H. Smith, F. McCarron, G.A. Gerhardt, C.G. van Horne (Lexington, KY, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Evaluation of the accuracy of stereotactic DBS electrode implantation by post-operative image fusion
P. Fricke, S. Johannes, R. Nickl, R.I. Ernestus, F. Steigerwald, J. Volkmann, C. Matthies (Würzburg, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Face and color recognition after subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson’s disease
A. Gündüz, S. Yagci, S. Aydin, B.Ç. Poyraz, G. Genç, S. Oguz, H. Apaydin, G. Kiziltan, H. Hanagasi, M. Hanci, S. Ertan (Istanbul, Turkey)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
How do patients experience deep brain stimulation surgery: A prospective patient satisfaction survey
A. Fazl, M. Gillego, A. Mogliner, M.H. Pourfar (New York, NY, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
How many and which kind of Parkinson’s disease patients need deep brain stimulation surgery? An evaluation based on clinical observation of patients with disease history of 15th year or more
H. Shibayama, T. Fukumoto, M. Tomura, K. Tokumoto, H. Yano, K. Tajima, F. Mitobe, F. Katada, S. Sato, T. Fukutake (Kamogawa City, Chiba, Japan)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Identification of unique metabolite signatures in post-mortem DBS human tissue using LC-HRMS
V. Vedam-Mai, S. Sternberg, M. Williams, T. Garrett, M.S. Okun (Gainesville, FL, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Implantable pulse generator (IPG) longevity decreases following each replacement surgery in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients treated with bilateral sub-thalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS)
S.D. Israeli-Korn, S. Tessler, G. Yahalom, S. Benizri, O.S. Cohen, C. Shabat, H. Strauss, N. Warmann-Alaluf, E. Stein, Z. Zibly, R. Spiegelman, S. Hassin (Ramat Gan, Israel)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Improvement of impulse control disorder in Parkinson’s disease patients treated with subthalamic nucleus stimulation
E.J. Choi, J.K. Gu, D.G. Lee, S.M. Kim, J.K. Lee, C.S. Lee (Seoul, Korea)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Improving parkinsonism in DBS poor-responders by surgical lead revision of subthalamic electrodes
R.C. Nickl, M.M. Reich, S. Johannes, F. Steigerwald, P. Fricke, V. Sturm, R.I. Ernestus, J. Volkmann, C. Matthies (Würzburg, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
In vivo validation of a new wireless portable stimulator for chronic deep brain stimulation in freely moving rats
F. Naudet, F. Kölbl, G. N'kaoua, E. Faggiani, B. Ribot, S. Renaud, N. Lewis, A. Benazzouz (Bordeaux, France)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Incidence and characteristics of gait dysfunction after subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation
V. Velez-Aldahondo, A.B. Millard, J.R. Jagid, C.C. Luca (Miami, FL, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Is awake intraoperative mapping still necessary for bilateral subthalamic stimulation for Parkinson’s disease in a modern surgical environment?
Y. Zouitina, M. Lefranc, P. Merle, O. Godefroy, M. Tir, P. Krystkowiak (Amiens, France)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Is inter-limb coupling modified by subthalamic deep brain stimulation and dopaminergic medication in Parkinson’s disease?
C. Duval, J.F. Daneault, A.F. Sadikot (Montréal, QC, Canada)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Is the PPN a valuable target for deep brain stimulation in treatment of Parkinsonian disorders? Experience of a patient’s series
I. Galazky, A. Kupsch, E. Wirkus, F. Casjens, S. Specht, H.J. Heinze, J. Voges (Magdeburg, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Jaw opening dystonia and blepharospasm following bilateral VIM DBS for postural and action dystonic tremor
V. Paramanandam, D.A. Olszewska, C. Fearon, B. Magennis, B. Cheeran, T. Lynch (Dublin, Ireland)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Lead angle matters: Side effects of deep brain stimulation improved with adjustment of lead angle
M.H. Pourfar, A.Y. Mogilner (New York, NY, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Longitudinal changes of speech and voice disorders following subthalamic stimulation in Parkinson’s disease patients
T. Tsuboi, H. Watanabe, Y. Tanaka, R. Ohdake, K. Kawabata, K. Hara, M. Ito, M. Hirayama, Y. Fujimoto, Y. Kajita, M. Katsuno, G. Sobue (Nagoya, Japan)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Measurement of effect of variable deep brain stimulation (DBS) frequencies on static postural control in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients with bilateral STN or GPi stimulators by employing force plate
A. Deep, A. Lieberman, R. Dhall, T. Lockhart, S. Shafer, C. Frames, N. Tateuchi, E. Simpson, M. McCauley, N. Krishnamurthi, S. Syed (Phoenix, AZ, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Minimal impact of “interleaving” on neuromodulation device battery drain when interleave frequency is halved
Y.M. Fernandez, D.L. Caputo, D.P. Schneider, S.F. Danish, R.J. Dipaola, E.L. Hargreaves (New Brunswick, NJ, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Morbidity and comorbidity of deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease – A thirteen-years retrospective cohort study
S.Y. Chen, Y.H. Pan, S.H. Lin (Hualien, Taiwan)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Mortality after deep brain stimulation surgery for patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease
H.S. Ryu, S. You, M.J. Kim, Y.J. Kim, J. Kim, K. Kim, S.J. Chung (Seoul, Korea)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
MR-guided high intensity focused ultrasound in Parkinson’s disease: A series of 5 cases
N. Wegener, G. Kaegi, R. Bauer, B. Werner, E. Martin, S.R. Schreglmann, A. Lebeda, S. Haegele-Link (St. Gallen, Switzerland)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Multiple-source current steering in bilateral subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease: Our experience
J.M. Cardenas Prieto, P.A. Millan Giraldo (Cali, Colombia)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Neurophysiological assessment of corticospinal tract activation due to subthalamic deep brain stimulation in patients with Parkinson’s disease
P. Mahlknecht, H. Akram, D. Georgiev, J. Candelario, A. Zacharia, Z. Kefalopoulou, L. Zrinzo, J. Hyam, M. Hariz, C. Milabo, T. Foltynie, J.C. Rothwell, P. Limousin (Innsbruck, Austria)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Neuropsychological safety of bilateral pallidal (GPi) deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson’s disease (PD) under general anesthesia
A.I. Tröster, F.A. Ponce, L. Autry, M. Lambert, V.G. Evidente, S. Oravivattanakul, A. Lieberman, G. Moguel-Cobos, N. Salins, K. Hanson (Phoenix, AZ, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Objectivisation of postural disorders in patients with Parkinson’s disease during the screening stage for DBS
A.G. Buniak, I.P. Maryenko, S.A. Likhachev (Minsk, Belarus)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Patient-centered outcomes of DBS in Parkinson’s disease
J. Karl, B. Ouyang, K. Colletta, L. Verhagen (Chicago, IL, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Pisa syndrome in Parkinson’s disease effectively treated with subthalmic deep brain stimulation: Case report
C.A. Artusi, A. Romagnolo, M. Zibetti, M.G. Rizzone, A. Merola, F. Dematteis, M. Lanotte, L. Lopiano (Torino, Italy)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Quantification of tremor and rigidity during deep brain stimulation surgery for Parkison’s disease
P. Poortvliet, A. Fytagoridis, T. Coyne, P. Silburn (Brisbane, Australia)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Real-world safety of deep brain stimulation in patients with ≤7.5 years between disease onset and device implant
M.C. Schiess, L. Tonder, M. Wells, T. Weaver, V. Stoker (Houston, TX, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Recharge frequency is not driven by therapy power usage in patients implanted with rechargeable deep brain stimulation systems
T. Weaver, P. Konrad, L. Timmerman, G. Molnar, K. Stromberg (Minneapolis, MN, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Rechargeable pacemaker technology in deep brain stimulation: A step forward, but nor for everyone
J. Runge, A. Wloch, M. Abdallad, M. Manu, J.K. Krauss (Hannover, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Reduction in battery longevity for each subsequent implantable pulse generator (IPG) in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) treated with bilateral subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) may be due to both programming changes and IPG model – a case series
S.D. Israeli-Korn, S. Tessler, G. Yahalom, S. Benizri, O.S. Cohen, C. Shabat, H. Strauss, N. Warmann-Alaluf, E. Stein, Z. Zibly, R. Spiegelman, S. Hassin, S. Hassin (Ramat Gan, Israel)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Role of contact polarity on therapeutic impedances at two deep brain stimulation (DBS) targets
N. Bukhari, B.H. Kopell, R.A. Ramdhani (New York, NY, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Single versus multiple microelectrode recordings (MER) in STN-DBS-surgery for PD: A randomized double-blind controlled trial
S. Bjerknes, A.E. Konglund, E. Ilstad, U. Pham, M. Skjelland, E. Dietrichs, M. Toft (Oslo, Norway)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Speech 10 years post bilateral STN-DBS for Parkinson’s disease
E. Tripoliti, P. Mahlknecht, L. Zrinzo, M. Hariz, T. Foltynie, J. Candelario, P. Limousin (London, United Kingdom)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Spinal cord stimulation improves freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease in chronic implanted stn-dbs patients: A case report
C.O. Souza, C.P. Souza, A.L. Pardini, D. Boari, L.A. Teixeira, E.R. Barbosa, E.T. Fonoff (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Stereotactic pallidotomy for Parkinson’s disease in El Salvador: One year follow up
S.L. Peña, R.E. Amaya (San Salvador, El Salvador)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Stimulation of the globus pallidus internus in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease: Long-term results of a monocentric follow-up
M.L. Lachenmayer, C. Bettschen, I. Debove, J. Muellner, C. Bernasconi, J.M. Burgunder, J.K. Krauss, M. Oertel, A. Kaelin, C. Pollo, M. Schuepbach (Bern, Switzerland)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Strengths and weaknesses of patient-reported outcomes following DBS surgery: Comparing clinician, patient, and caregiver assessments
L. Shahgholi, W. Deeb, K. Foote, A. Shukla, U. Akbar, J.P. Rossi, S. De Jesus, M.S. Okun (Gainesville, FL, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation modulate catecholamine levels with significant relations to clinical outcome after surgery in patients with Parkinson’s disease
T. Yamamoto, T. Uchiyama, Y. Higuchi, M. Asahina, S. Hirano, Y. Yamanaka, S. Kuwabara (Chiba, Japan)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Successful DBS: Doctors happy, patients not – Why?
M.H. Strothjohann, B. Holzinger, G.A. Fuchs, F. Weber (Bad Camberg, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Suggested protocol for electroconvulsive therapy for depression in a Parkinson’s disease patient with a deep brain stimulator: A case report
K. Dashtipour, M. Pereau, D. Trenkle, C. Osorio, K. Stoletniy (Loma Linda, CA, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
The core assessment program for surgical interventional therapies in Parkinson’s disease (CAPSIT-PD): Tolerability of preoperative neuropsychological testing for deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease
G.D. Pal, V. Persinger, B. Bernard, B. Ouyang, C. Goetz, L. Verhagen (Chicago, IL, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
The effect of short pulse width neurostimulation in GPi-DBS
K. Kimura, H. Kishida, N. Ueda, K. Hamada, T. Kawasaki, F. Tanaka (Yokohama, Japan)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
The effects of 60 Hz frequency of STN-DBS on gait in Parkinson’s disease
H. Brozová, K. Peterová, E. Ruzicka, J. Rusz, E. Plananská, L. Brabcová, R. Jech (Prague 2, Czech Republic)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
The long-term follow-up of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation comparing medication alone in advanced Parkinson’s disease patients
S.H. Lin, S.Y. Chen, F.S. Jaw (Hualien, Taiwan)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
The study of clinical outcome of deep brain stimulation for the idiopathic Parkinson’s disease at 6 months follow-up
P. Papitak, M. Aphiwatthanakun, T. Srikijvilaikul, N. Limotai (Bangkok, Thailand)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
The subthalamic nucleus activity during gait in Parkinson’s disease
A. Leporini, G. Arnulfo, N.G. Pozzi, C. Palmisano, J. Brumberg, A. Canessa, C.A. Frigo, G. Pezzoli, F. Steigerwald, J. Volkmann, I.U. Isaias (Wuerzburg, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Toward clinical use of electrode localizations in deep brain stimulation therapy
S. Ewert, A. Horn, P. Plettig, M. Ruch, A. Kühn (Berlin, Germany)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Tractography patterns of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation
N.S. Vanegas-Arroyave, P.M. Lauro, L. Huang, M. Hallett, S. Horovitz, K.A. Zaghloul, C. Lungu (New York, NY, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Traditional trial-and-error versus neuroanatomical-3D-image software-assisted deep brain stimulation programming in patients with Parkinson’s disease
N. Pavese, S. Rodemark, Y.F. Tai, N. Yousif, D. Nandi, P.G. Bain (London, United Kingdom)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Transcranial unilateral MR guided high intensity focused ultrasound in Parkinson’s disease or essential tremor seems to be save concerning dysphagia and dysarthria
S. Hägele-Link, N.A. Wegener, S.R. Schreglmann, J. Rosenfeld, M. Mueller-Baumberger, R. Bauer, A. Lebeda, B. Werner, E. Martin, G. Kägi (St. Gallen, Switzerland)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Transient, symptomatic, non-infectious hypodensity around deep brain stimulation electrode
F. Alonso-Frech, J.A. Barcia Albacar, M.J. Catalán Alonso, C. Fernández, E. López Valdes, M. Yus (Madrid, Spain)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Two years after unilateral Forel’s H campotomy for Parkinson’s disease: Quality of life, motor and cognitive outcomes of eleven patients
F. Godinho, M.O. Oliveira, P. Terzian, C. Costa, P. Gordon, M.S. Rocha (São Paulo, Brazil)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Unilateral focused ultrasound thalamotomy in tremor-dominant Parkinson’s disease
B.B. Shah, D.S. Huss, S. Sperling, M.B. Harrison, J. Elias (Charlottesville, VA, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Unilateral microelectrode mapping to guide bilateral deep brain stimulation electrode implantation: A retrospective study of anatomical lead placement and DBS programming outcomes
T.M. Herrington, K. Kanoff, J. Simon, E.N. Eskandar (Boston, MA, USA)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Upregulated vascular endothelial nitric oxide synthase in Parkinson’s disease cases that have received subthalamic stimulation: A post-mortem evaluation
C. Mantanona, L. Hodgson, J.L. Elson, I.S. Pienaar (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Weight changes in PD patients post-DBS: A look at the factors involved
B. Ahmed, L.B. Almeida, A. Bona, S. De Jesus, D. Martinez-Ramirez, M.S. Okun (Gainesville, FL, USA)