MDS Virtual Congress 2021 » Parkinson's Disease: Molecular Mechanisms of Disease
Meeting: MDS Virtual Congress 2021
Age-dependent multisystem parkinsonian features in a novel neuromelanin-producing transgenic mouse model
N. Peñuelas, A. Laguna, M. Gonzalez-Sepulveda, LL. Miquel-Rio, N. Benseny-Cases, H. Xicoy, J. Compte, A. Nicolau, M. Lorente-Picón, E. álvarez-Marimon, J. Romero-Giménez, A. Parent, T. Cuadros, F. Cacho-Nerin, J. Cladera, A. Bortolozzi, I. Carballo-Carbajal, M. Vila (Barcelona, Spain)
Antioxidants in foods: A Primary Potential remedy to Neurodegeneration.
B. Adebisi (Osogbo, Nigeria)
Biofluid Biomarkers in Prodromal Parkinson’s Disease
B. Mollenhauer, L. Chahine, M. Dakna, M. Bartl, A. Siderowf, SJ. Hutten, K. Merchant, K. Marek, D. Galasko (Kassel, Germany)
Biomarker candidates – Peptides identified to be differentially abundant in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Parkinson´s disease
L. Schilde, B. Serschnitzki, F. Maass, M. Bähr, P. Lingor, C. May, K. Marcus (Bochum, Germany)
M. Grochowska, A. Carreras Mascaro, V. Boumeester, D. Natale, G. Breedveld, H. Geut, W. van Cappellen, A. Boon, A. Kievit, E. Sammler, P. Parchi, P. Cortelli, D. Alessi, W. V.D. Berg, V. Bonifati, W. Mandemakers (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Close relationship between CSF lipidomic alterations and cognitive decline in Parkinson’s disease.
Y. Mizutani, S. Shima, A. Ueda, M. Ito, H. Watanabe (Toyoake, Japan)
Correlating LRRK2 activation status in peripheral blood to urine BMPs in monogenic and idiopathic Parkinson’s disease
S. Gomes, A. Garrido, F. Tonelli, E. Tolosa, M. Marti, D. Anderson, N. Pratuseviciute, F. Hsieh, T. Bruecke, T. Koenig, C. Hotzy, J. Ruiz-Martínez, A. Bergareche-Yarza, E. Mondragón Rezola, A. Vinagre Aragón, I. Croitoru, A. Gorostidi Pagola, L. Paternain Markinez, F. Valldeoriola, K. Merchant, S. Padmanabhan, A. Zimprich, D. Alessi, E. Sammler (Dundee, United Kingdom)
CSF MicroRNA Analysis Reveals Angiogenesis And Autophagy Defects In Parkinson’s DiseasePatients
C. Moussa, Y. Torres-Yaghi, F. Pagan (Washington, USA)
Determination of 5-HT3 receptor levels with [3H]-GR 65630 binding in hemi-parkinsonian rats with L-DOPA induced dyskinesia
C. Kwan, D. Bédard, I. Frouni, A. Hamadjida, P. Huot (Montreal, Canada)
Double labeling alpha-synuclein in labial minor salivary glands in Parkinson’s disease and idiopathic RBD patients
G. Mangone, M. Houot, S. Boluda Casas, A. Chalancon, A. Prigent, D. Seilhean, JC. Corvol, M. Vidailhet, C. Duyckaerts, B. Degos (Paris, France)
Effects of fine particulate matter and cigarette smoking on MPTP-induced dopaminergic neuronal cell death: Implication for Parkinson’s disease
YJ. Jung, H. Choi, E. Oh (Seoul, Republic of Korea)
Fatty acids and Glucocerebrosidase activity as potential biomarkers of stearyl-CoA desaturase inhibition; an observational study of inter and intraday variation in healthy volunteers and patients with Parkinson’s disease
P. Eijsvogel, A. Gorbenko, D. Tardiff, M. Skupien, M. de Kam, P. Kremer, E. van Brummelen, B. Robertson, GJ. Groeneveld (Leiden, Netherlands)
Gut microbiota and nutritional profiles of Parkinson’s disease patients.
M. Lubomski, X. Xu, A. Holmes, S. Mueller, J. Yang, C. Sue, R. Davis (St Leonards, Australia)
Impaired glucocerebrosidase transport to lysosomes in cultured macrophages derived from blood monocytic cells of patients with Parkinson’s disease associated with mutations in the GBA gene
A. Kopytova, M. Nikolaev, K. Senkevich, D. Bogdanova, A. Izymchenko, G. Baydakova, I. Miliukhina, E. Zakharova, S. Pchelina (Gatchina, Russian Federation)
Induction of Parkinsonian-like changes via targeted down-regulation of astrocytic glutamate transporter GLT-1 in the striatum
C. Ren, K-J. He, J-B. Zhang, L-G. Dong, F. Wang, C-F. Liu (Suzhou, China)
Integrated Multi-omics of the Gut Microbiome Reveal 2-Hydroxypyridine as a Novel Molecule Relevant to Parkinson’s Disease Pathogenesis
V. Aho, JP. Trezzi, C. Jäger, S. Schade, C. Trenkwalder, A. Janzen, U. Heins-Marroquin, C. Linster, G. Gomez Giro, J. Schwamborn, T. Kitami, M. Thomas, K. Schmit, C. Martin-Gallausiaux, M. Buttini, M. Mittelbronn, W. Oertel, B. Mollenhauer, P. Wilmes (Esch-Sur-Alzette, Luxembourg)
Lipid metabolism alterations in the lysosomal membrane promotes chaperone-mediated autophagy dysfunction and alpha-synuclein pathology in Parkinson’s disease associated to GBA
A. Navarro-Romero, I. Fernandez-Gonzalez, M. Montpeyo, J. Riera, E. Pradas, JA. Arranz, C. Carnicer-Caceres, M. Martinez-Vicente (Barcelona, Spain)
Metabolic alterations in a Drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease
C. Solana-Manrique, F J. Sanz, I. Torregrosa, N. Paricio (Burjassot, Spain)
MicroRNAs as a potential biomarker of Parkinson’s disease
N. Ardashirova, A. Protopopova, N. Abramycheva, E. Fedotova, S. Illarioshkin (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Molecular investigation of apparently healthy heterozygous Parkin mutation carriers
M. Castelo, A. Zanon, V. Gilmozzi, C. Klein, P. Pramstaller, A. Hicks, I. Pichler (Bolzano, Italy)
Neurofilament light chain serum levels in E46K-SNCA mutation carriers
A. Murueta-Goyena, MA. Acera, N. Ayo, M. Carmona-Abellán, R. Del Pino, I. Gabilondo, B. Tijero, T. Fernandez, M. Ruiz, JC. Gómez-Esteban, E. Capetillo, R. Cipriani, F. Zallo, F. Cavaliere (Barakaldo, Spain)
Next-generation sequencing of plasma-associated extracellular vesicle miRNAs as potential biomarkers for Parkinson’s disease and its prodromal stage
L. Li, L. Liu (Shanghai, China)
Parkinson’s disease-linked LDL Receptor Related Protein 10 (LRP10) is implicated in regulation of the secretory and autophagy-lysosome pathways
A. Carreras Mascaro, MM. Grochowska, V. Boumeester, V. Bonifati, W. Mandemakers (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
PD phenotype with premotor RBD is associated with a dysbiotic profile of gut microbiota.
V. Oppo, S. Vascellari, M. Melis, A. Manzin, G. Cossu (Cagliari, Italy)
Plasma and fecal short chain fatty acids as predictors for the risk and severity of Parkinson’s Disease
SJ. Chen, SY. Liao, YT. Lin, CH. Kuo, CH. Lin (Taipei City, Taiwan)
Rapamycin attenuates nigral and hippocampal alpha-synuclein accumulation in AAV-mediated alpha-synuclein overexpression model of Parkinson’s disease
E. Cinar, G. Yalcin-Cakmakli, A. Ulusoy, E. Saka, B. Tel, B. Elibol (Zonguldak, Turkey)
RNA Editing in Parkinson’s Disease Shows Changes in Mitochondrial and Manganese-Binding Pathways in Multiple Brain Regions
A. Thele, O. Gardner, J. Vance, A. Griswold, J. Young, M. Pericak-Vance, W. Scott, E. Martin, W. Wang, D. Dykxhoorn, C. Petito, G. Beecham, D. Mash, S. Sivasankaran (Miami, USA)
Silencing of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha provokes a neuroprotective response in a SH-SY5Y model of Parkinson’s Disease.
S. Acharya, A. Lumley, C. Mebarki, V. Stopa, M. Vausort, Y. Devaux (Strassen, Luxembourg)
Targeted plasmaproteome identifies a distinct biomarker panel in early and prodromal Parkinson’s disease
M. Bartl, J. Hallqvist, M. Dakna, S. Schade, C. Trenkwalder, F. Sixel-Döring, B. Mollenhauer, K. Mills (Göttingen, Germany)
The gut microbiome in Parkinson’s disease: longitudinal insights into disease progression and the use of device-assisted therapies.
M. Lubomski, X. Xu, A. Holmes, S. Mueller, J. Yang, C. Sue, R. Davis (St Leonards, Australia)
The Role Imposed by The High-Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) Protein in MPTP-Induced Zebrafish Model of Parkinson’s Disease
K. Razali, WMY. Mohamed, N. Othman, MHM. Nasir, AA. Doolanea, J. Kumar (Kuantan, Malaysia)
The role of amylin in Parkinson´s disease neurodegenerative process
R. Bugallo, I. Martínez-Valbuena, I. Marcilla, MC. Caballero, A. Vilas-Zornoza, E. Guruceaga, JA. Sánchez-Arias, S. Ursua, A. Pérez-Mediavilla, MR. Luquin (Pamplona, Spain)
VPS35 D620N knockin mice recapitulate cardinal features of Parkinson’s disease
MY. Niu, J. Liu (Shanghai, China)
Whole-transcriptome analysis of monocyte-derived macrophages from patients with Parkinson’s disease associated with mutations in the GBA gene
T. Usenko, A. Panteleeva, K. Basharova, M. Nikolaev, A. Kopytova, A. Bezrukova, K. Senkevich, I. Miliukhina, E. Zakharova, S. Pchelina (Gatchina, Russian Federation)
α-synuclein and deficits of membrane trafficking in Parkinson’s Disease
A. Sarchione, A. Marchand, F. Filippini, T. Galli, JM. Taymans, MC. Chartier-Harlin (Lille, France)