MDS Virtual Congress 2020 » Other
Meeting: MDS Virtual Congress 2020
A novel phasic and restricted basal ganglia thalamocortical subcircuitry model
D. Kumbhare, G. Weistroffer, M. Baron (Richmond, VA, USA)
Advance Care Planning in Complex Stage Parkinson’s Disease
M. Khwaja, A. Chatterjee, H. Avery, C. James (Reading, United Kingdom)
An Analysis of Health Care Utilization in Functional Movement Disorders: Does Diagnosis Make a Difference?
K. Kyle, A. Wu, F. Agosta (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
Are functional movement disorder phenotypes or age at onset correlated with perfectionist personality trait or history of abuse?
R. Mehanna, L. Zhu, C. Bejjani (Houston, TX, USA)
Are New York City rail tracks harbingers for Parkinson’s disease?
R.T Tan Morales, J. Ma, M. Salgado (Brooklyn, NY, USA)
Are oromotor deficits a late stage signs in Parkinson’s disease?
P.U Upadhyay, S.G Gudwani, K.S Sharma, S.K Kumaran, R.S Sagar, R.D Dhamija (New Delhi, India)
Associations between balance confidence, gait, postural stability, and muscle strength in people with Parkinson’s disease
B. Donmez Colakoglu, F.K Cekok, T. Kahraman, G. Duran, D. Yerlikaya, G. Yener, A. Genc (Izmir, Turkey)
Biomarkers in Functional Movement Disorders: A Systematic Review
B. Thomsen, T. Teodoro, M. Edwards (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Canine Aromatic Detection of Parkinson’s Disease: Can Dogs Identify Prodromal Parkinsonism?
L. Mischley, J. Farahnik (Lake Forest Park, WA, USA)
Cost-Utility Analysis of Flexible Intervals with IncobotulinumtoxinA Versus Fixed Dosing with OnabotulinumtoxinA in the Management of Cervical Dystonia and Blepharospasm in Major Canadian Markets
M.E Gendron, R. Kazerooni, D. Vézina (Burlington, ON, Canada)
Creating moments that matter – A person-centered approach for the geriatric patient at the Parkinson Unit at Vrinnevi Hospital, Norrköping, Sweden
F. Nilsson, L. Holmberg (Norrköping, Sweden)
Customizing Rehabilitation based on oromotor function assessed with dynamic MRI in early Parkinson’s disease
S.G Gudwani, K.S Sharma, P.U Upadhyay, S.K Kumaran, R.S Sagar, R.D Dhamija (New Delhi, India)
Dendritic cells and brain metabolites in Tourette’s
M. Sarchioto, F. Morgante, F. Howe, I. Dumitriu, J. Stern, M. Edwards, D. Martino (London, United Kingdom)
Effect of herbal medicine against Parkinson’s Diseases- An in silico studies
S. Subramani, Y. Gupta, R. Sharma, P. Prasad (Gwalior, India)
Effectiveness of case management interventions in reducing common preventable complications associated with Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
A. van Halteren, J. Janssen Daalen, J. Ypinga, B. Bloem, M. Meinders, M. Munneke, S. Darweesh (Nijmegen, Netherlands)
Efficacy of unilateral thalamotomy by MRgFUS in essential tremor and Parkinson’s disease in a large cohort of patients
M.C Rodríguez Oroz, O. Parras, A. Gorospe, I. Aviles, P. Manrique, L. Gonzalez, J. Guridi (Navarre, Spain)
Endovascular therapy in acute ischemic stroke(AIS)
M. Munteanu (Bucharest, Romania)
Engaging the Denver Hispanic Community in Parkinson’s Disease Research
M. Fullard, G. Matthewson, S. Holden, R. Mullen, J. Parra Gonzalez, J. Feuerstein, H. Hemley, B. Siddiqi, L. Seeberger (Aurora, CO, USA)
Evaluation of Proactive and Integrated Management and Empowerment in Parkinson’s Disease (PRIME Parkinson) in The Netherlands a prospective observational study
J. Ypinga, A. van Halteren, E. Henderson, B. Bloem, A. Smink, E. Tenison, M. Munneke, Y. Ben-Shlomo, S. Darweesh (Nijmegen, Netherlands)
Frontal Cavernous angioma manifested as acquired dystonic tremor: Two case reports
D. Chaity (Dublin, Ireland)
Home Based Care: A care pathway innovation for Parkinson’s disease
E. Edwards, R. Partridge, U. Ankeny, J. Langley, S. Whipps, J. Whipps, J. Rideout, A. Evans, S. Bentley, M. Swabey, H. Matthews, N. Stevens, R. Chivers, T. Dominey, K. Triscott, C. Carroll (Plymouth, United Kingdom)
Hospitalization causes and condition at discharge of Parkinson’s disease patients in Mexican public institutions between 2011 and 2017
R. Janssen-Aguilar, V. Villasuso-Alcocer, C. Rivas-Berny, N. Méndez-Domínguez, R. Leal-Ortega (Mérida, Mexico)
Identification and characterization of anti-prionic compounds that disassemble Tau prions as a novel therapeutic approach for tauopathies
D. Willbold, T. Altendorf, W. Hoyer, J. Mohrlüder (Jülich, Germany)
Improving Hospital Outcomes through the Aware in Care Ambassador Program
A. Wallis, D. Perret (Miami, FL, USA)
Influencing factors when living with Parkinson’s disease: beyond the disease symptomatology
L. Ambrosio, P. Martinez-Martin, C. Rodriguez-Blazquez, M.C Portillo (Pamplona, Spain)
Long-term effect of non-invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Parkinson’s disease patients
H. Kumar, B. Mondal, S. Choudhury, R. Banerjee, A. Roy, K. Chatterjee, P. Basu, S. Baker, M. Baker (Kolkata, India)
Management of Cervical Dystonia & Spastic Paresis with Botulinum Neurotoxin-A: results from the INPUT survey
R. Bhidayasiri, L.J Jacinto, K. Bhatia, N. Dursun, T.M Chung, J. Tiley, C. Colosimo (Bangkok, Thailand)
Measurement of speech as a biomarker of neurodegenerative disease using acoustic profiles and machine learning
B. Schultz, Z.. Joukhader, U. Nattala, G. Noffs, J. Chan, S. Rojas-Azaocar, H. Reece, M. Magee, M. Delatycki, L. Corben, A. Walt, A. Vogel (Melbourne, Australia)
Motor Fluctuations in a Real-World Sample of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
M. Serbin, S. Odak, C. Macahilig, N. Joshi, A. Shah, X. Ng, K. Olson, G. Liang, O. Klepitskaya, C. Yonan (San Diego, CA, USA)
MR Conditional Labeling for DBS – Basic Physics for the Non-Specialist
M. Conroy, S. Falowski, D. Sayed, L. Poree, K. Chakravarthy, R. Banerjee, J. Kramer (Minneapolis, MN, USA)
Navigating therapeutic landscapes with Parkinson’s disease in a scarce biomedical healthcare setting: the case of Kenya
N. Fothergill Misbah, K. Hampshire, S. Moffatt, J. Hooker, J. Kwasa, R. Walker (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
On Time, Every Time: The Effect of Cohort Ward Triage, Specialist Nursing & Admission Pre-Alert on Parkinson’s Medication Management
S. Moore, A. Yousuf, S. Jackson (Exeter, United Kingdom)
Parkinson’s Disease and the Law: Motor and Non-Motor Determinants in Medical Courts Cases
P. Amami, D. Ziemele, A. Albanese (Rozzano, Italy)
Paroxysmal Kinesigenic Dyskinesia: Case series from Çukurova University, Turkey
M. Demirkiran, M. Balal, A. Bisgin, S. Bozdogan (Adana, Turkey)
Patient experience interviews to inform a digital assessment of Parkinson’s disease
A. Thomann, D. Nobbs, H. Staunton, D. Trundell, S. Winkelmann, T. Kilchenmann, C. Lansdall, C. Gossens, F. Lipsmeier, M. Lindemann, K. Taylor (Basel, Switzerland)
Patient survey on personal preferences and choices regarding Advance Care Planning(ACP) in Parkinson’s Disease(PD)
M. Khwaja, A. Chatterjee (Reading, United Kingdom)
Pregnancy Outcomes Following Exposure to OnabotulinumtoxinA Update – 29 Years of Safety Observation
M. Brin, A. Adams, L. Parker, A. Ukah, L. Radulian, L. Yedigarova, I. Yushmanova (Irvine, CA, USA)
Real-World Healthcare Resource Utilization in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease and Motor Fluctuations
M. Serbin, S. Odak, C. Macahilig, N. Joshi, A. Shah, X. Ng, K. Olson, G. Liang, O. Klepitskaya, C. Yonan (San Diego, CA, USA)
Robotic Assisted Arm Training in Parkinson’s disease rehabilitation: A pilot study
R. Yadav, S. Shukla (Etawah, India)
Say “AH~”: Vocal Analysis in Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor
J.E Park, S.W Oh, J.Y Shin, S.Y Lee, S.H Hong, N.H Ahn, H.J Kim, K.H Lee, J.E Bae, H.B Lee (Goyang, Republic of Korea)
Stiff person syndrome and acethylcoline receptors ganglionic neuronal antibodies
J. Lester, J. Cojab, E. Klériga (Huixquilucan, Mexico)
Stiff-person spectrum disorders in Russia: a retrospective analysis of 20 cases
Y.u Seliverstov, M. Ginzberg, E. Melnik, V. Fominykh, A. Skalnaya, L. Brylev (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Substantianigral involvement on Tc99mDaTSPECT-a novel and under recognised imaging finding in Parkinsonian Disorders
S. Siddiqui, C. Nagaraj, J. Saini, P. Singh, R. Yadav, P. Pal (Bengaluru, India)
The clinical spectrum of movement disorders associated with neuronal antibodies
V. Karthikeayan, A. Randall, E. Jackson, S. Huda, M. Bonello (Liverpool, United Kingdom)
The Future of Hospitalization for People with Parkinson’s Disease
A. Wallis, D. Perret (Miami, FL, USA)
The sooner, the better: early diagnosis and treatment in functional neurological disorders
P. Parra-Díaz, J.L Chico García, E. Natera Villalba, V. Nedkova Hristova, F. Rodríguez Jorge, Á. Beltrán Corbellini, J.C Martínez Castrillo, J. Masjuan, A. Alonso Cánovas, I. Pareés Moreno (Madrid, Spain)
Therapeutic effect of OnabotulinumtoxinA in bilateral hemifacial spasm, trigeminal neuralgia and chronic migraine in El Salvador
J. Lopez-Castellanos, J. Lopez Contreras (Little Rock, AR, USA)
Treatment of hemichorea-hemiballism with valbenazine
J. Leegwater-Kim (BURLINGTON, MA, USA)
Undiagnosed Neuropathology In Fallers: Findings from a 10-year Autopsy Series
C. Fearon, C. Hunt, J. Lorigan, A. Beausang, J. Cryan, M. Farrell, F. Brett (Dublin, Ireland)
Using of GcMAF in patient from Uzbekistan with MS and a concomitant liver cirrhosis due to Hepatitis B
DrD. Mirzaeva (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Validation of MDS-UPDRS-based score to predict conversion to freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease
N. D'Cruz, W. Vandenberghe, A. Nieuwboer (Leuven, Belgium)
Visuomotor reaction time can predict IQ in children
S. Kiselev (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation)