Category: Allied Healthcare Professionals
Objective: Many neurological disorders often lead to various abnormal movements. Traditional assessment methods fail to accurately and objectively evaluate the affected muscles and the functional impairment. In this paper we reviewed the latest advances in the intelligent technologies which help clinicians qualitatively and quantitatively assess abnormal movement patterns and carry out personalized rehabilitation treatment.
Background: Individuals with neurological disorders often exhibit aberrant movements, i.e. deviation from the target trajectory caused by abnormal muscle synergies. These movements show mass and whole-extremity movements with limited joint separation [1]. Abnormal movements are classified into tremor, myoclonus, abnormal gait, parkinsonism and tics, based on phenomenology[2-4].
Method: A literature review was performed using the key words: “(movement or motion) and (assessment) and (technology or technique)” on Web of Science, Pubmed and Google Scholar on Sept 2 2023. The search criteria were studies that presented in decade 2013 to 2023.After reading the abstracts of the selected literatures, 9 abnormal motion pattern assessment instruments were selected and literature search was conducted again. The key word is “(Optical Motion Capture) and (abnormal movement)”and the search strategy was the same for the remaining eight instruments. The inclusion criteria were: studies that presented a intelligent assessment method for the assessment of abnormal movements caused by neurological diseases and was studied in patients or studies that presented newly developed techniques for assessing movement patterns but have not yet been used in clinical trials.
Results: Current intelligent assessment methods draw on optical motion capture, marker-less vision-based motion capture, radar technology, wearable inertial sensors, multi-lead electromyography, robotic feedback technology, ultrasound technology, infrared thermography and positron emission tomography (PET) / Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) muscle metabolism imaging to accurately assess abnormal movements.
Conclusion: In this review, we provide an update of the latest equipment devices, summarizes what fine abnormal movement patterns can be assessed, what existing intelligent assessment methods can be used to distinguish abnormal movement patterns of different severity, and provide clear treatment directions for rehabilitation personnel.
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To cite this abstract in AMA style:
YJ. Bao, RH. Hong, WT. Qin, Z. Wu, YP. Song, LJ. Jin. Intelligent Assessment of Abnormal Movements in Neurological Disorders: An Update [abstract]. Mov Disord. 2024; 39 (suppl 1). Accessed March 31, 2025.« Back to 2024 International Congress
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