Category: Parkinson's Disease: Neuroimaging
Objective: We sought to explore the concordance between the dynamics of different rs-fMRI regional indices in order to better understand intrinsic brain activity (IBA) alterations and pathophysiological mechanisms in Parkinson’s disease(PD).
Background: Researches using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) have applied different regional measurements to IBA of patients with PD. Most previous studies have only examined the static characteristics of IBA in patients with PD, neglecting the dynamic features. The degree of integration is represented by the concordance between the different dynamic regional indices. The study investigated the volume-wise and voxel-wise concordance between dynamics of these regional measures. Whether the concordance between regional indicators is abnormal in PD patients remains a direction to be explored.
Method: This study included 31 healthy controls (HCs) and 57 PD patientsto calculate the volume-wise (across voxels) and voxel-wise (across periods) concordance using a sliding time window approach. This allowed us to compare the concordance of dynamic alterations in frequently used metrics such as degree centrality (DC), global signal connectivity (GSC), voxel-mirrored heterotopic connectivity (VMHC), the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations (ALFF), and regional homogeneity (ReHo). We analyzed the changes of concordance indices in the PD patients andinvestigated the relationship between aberrant concordance values and clinical/neuropsychological assessments in the PD patients.
Results: We found that, compared with the HCs, the PD patients had lower volume concordance in the whole brain and lower voxel-wise concordance in the posterior cerebellar lobe,
cerebellar tonsils, superior temporal gyrus, and supplementary motor region. We also found negative correlations between these concordance alterations and patients’ age. The exploratory results contribute to a better understanding of IBA alterations and pathophysiological mechanisms in PD.
Conclusion: In conclusion, this study demonstrates that PD patients have altered patterns of coherence obtained from rs-fMRI across several routine IBA measurements. We believe that concordance measures can provide novel insights into IBA mechanisms in PD .
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To cite this abstract in AMA style:
T. Yuan, L. Kai, S. Wen. Aberrant Volume-wise and Voxel-wise Concordance among Dynamic Intrinsic Brain Activity Indices in Parkinson’s Disease [abstract]. Mov Disord. 2022; 37 (suppl 2). Accessed March 6, 2025.« Back to 2022 International Congress
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